This little piece of code was inspired by the voice aliases featured previously on this site. You need those. This scrolls through the different voices using the "[" and "]" brackets. //Aliases you need alias dev1 "developer 1" alias dev0 "developer 0" (ungood's Complete Voice Menu Aliases) //This goes into your autoexec or aliases file, if you need more just make them following the same conventions. alias v_modnext "v_sel2" alias v_modprev "v_sel1" alias v_sel4 "bind E v_medic; bind z v_goright; bind x v_sentryhere; bind c v_goodjob; dev1; echo Vocal Selection Four; wait 100; dev0; wait 30; alias v_modnext v_sel1; alias v_modprev v_sel3" alias v_sel3 "bind E v_uberready; bind z v_goleft; bind x v_dispenserhere; bind c v_niceshot; dev1; echo Vocal Selection Three; wait 100; dev0; wait 30; alias v_modnext v_sel4; alias v_modprev v_sel2" alias v_sel2 "bind E v_activateuber; bind z v_moveup; bind x v_teleporterhere; bind c v_help; dev1; echo Vocal Selection Two; wait 100; dev0; wait 30; alias v_modnext v_sel3; alias v_modprev v_sel1" alias v_sel1 "bind E v_medic; bind z v_gogogo; bind x v_sentryahead; bind c v_battlecry; dev1; echo Vocal Selection One; wait 100; dev0; wait 30; alias v_modnext v_sel2; alias v_modprev v_sel4" //This goes into your binds bind "[" "v_modprev" bind "]" "v_modnext" bind "z" "v_gogogo" bind "x" "v_sentryahead" bind "c" "v_battlecry" bind "e" "v_medic" //More helpful voice menu keys bind "KP_MINUS" "v_jeers" bind "KP_PLUS" "v_cheers" bind "KP_SLASH" "v_cloakedspy" bind "KP_DEL" "v_thanks" bind "KP_ENTER" "v_incoming"